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Ocajp Exceptions

3 minute read

Exceptions are thrown by a program when something goes wrong! It is Java’s way of telling you something has happened that it wasn’t expecting and it doesn’t ...

Ocajp Overriding And Overloading

3 minute read

Java enables developers to both override and overload methods in sub-classes. I will briefly describe the differences between the two and the process of meth...

Ocajp Revision What Is Garbage Collection

3 minute read

Garbage collection (or a garbage collector) is an automatic memory management program that exists as part of .Net’s CLR (Common Language Runtime) and Java’s ...

Dell Xps 13 2015 Pros And Cons Review

5 minute read

I’ve been using this brand new laptop for about a week now and wanted to share a short review of the main “pros” and “cons” that I have discovered so far. So...

The Impact Of Computer Games On Society

7 minute read

The following report will outline three concerns and three benefits that wider society feels gaming is having people. Positive impacts of games on society Te...