Spring How To Retrieve Data From A Mysql Database
In this tutorial I will demonstrate how to retrieve multiple rows of data from a MySQL database using Spring.
Before I start I will setup a standard eclipse Maven project that has the following dependencies: spring-beans, spring-context, spring-core, mysql-connector-java, commons-dbcp and spring-jdbc.
Next I will setup my MySQL database so it contains a dog table with some data ready to be queried by my Java application.
1) Create a model of type Dog Above you can see a plain old Java object (POJO), which contains some basic properties and getter/setter methods. This Dog class will be used as the object equivalent of the dog table in the database I created earlier and resides in package com.crm.hibernate.dao. Notice that I am using the @Component annotation to specify to Spring that this is a bean, but more on that a bit later when I configure the Spring bean configuration file.
2) Create a properties file Now I will create a standard properties file called jdbc.properties in package com.crm.hibernate.properties. It is important that the property names match up to the properties of the BasicDataSource class that I will be using to create a database connection for pooling. More on this a bit later.
3) Create a Spring beans configuration file Next I will create a beans.xml configuration file in package com.crm.hibernate.xml. context:property-placeholder is a tag that tells Spring where to look for a properties file, who’s containing properties I can reference in this configuration file using the ${} notation. Within the curly braces I simply put the name of the relevant property I defined in the properties file.
context:component-scan is a tag that tells Spring where to look for annotated classes. For this example I have annotated two classes with the @Component annotation, these classes reside in packages that will be scanned by Spring when the application is run.
Next I am simply defining a new bean explicitly, using traditional xml. The bean is of the class BasicDataSource which is the magic class that will be used to provide a database connection from a pool of available connections, which a Spring JDBC object will query, more on that later.
4) Create a database connection class In the above example I have created a class called dogDAO which resides in the package com.crm.hibernate.dao (which will be scanned for Spring annotations). You will notice that the class is annotated with @Component, so Spring will create a bean out of it, which can be used elsewhere in the application at runtime. Next I have declared a JdbcTemplate object. This class is a Spring class that contains many great methods that I can use to query a database with. Further down the code you will notice that I have a setter method which instantiates the “jdbc” object and passes it the DataSource bean auto-magically, because that method is annotated with @Autowired, which means that Spring will automatically pass this object from its own “Spring pool” at runtime. So now the jdbc object has been instantiated and it has a connection that it can query.
Next I am defining a method called “getDogs” which will return a list of dogs, where each element in the list will represent a row in the corresponding dog table.
Inside the “getDogs” method I am returning the result of a query to the data source. The jdbc object contains a “query” method which takes a standard SQL query as part of it’s arguments and an anonymous class as another. Inside the anonymous class I am implementing a method that the interface “RowMapper” specifies, which maps a row from the JDBC resultset to a single Dog object and adds that Dog object to a list. Once all rows have been mapped to Dog objects a list of these Dog objects is returned from the “getDogs” method.
5) Print the list of dogs to the console In the above example I am instantiating a new dogDAO bean and generating a list of Dogs by calling the “getDogs” method of the “dogDAO” object and then simply looping through the list calling each Dog objects “toString” method.
Dog [name=buster, age=3, id=1, canTalk=true] Dog [name=millie, age=1, id=2, canTalk=false] Dog [name=maisie, age=8, id=3, canTalk=true]
Finally, here is the file structure for context:
[caption id=”attachment_448” align=”aligncenter” width=”284”] file-structure[/caption]